Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Seldon Road Extension Phase II - Windy Bottom Road to Pittman Road


The purpose of this project is to continue the roadway connection between Church Road and Pittman Road and represents the next link in an east-west corridor envisioned to reach from Palmer to Meadow Lakes. Design and construction is taking place in two phases, with the first phase beginning at Church Road and extending to the east end of Beverly Lake Road, completed in 2015. The second phase will complete the connection to Pittman Road. A typical section of roadway would include two 12’-wide travel lanes, 8’ shoulders and a separated pathway.

Project Benefits

The project:
  • Improves area circulation
  • Provides an alternate route to the Parks Highway
  • Shortens the commuting time for the Meadow Lakes area residents traveling to Wasilla.
  • Shortens emergency response times. 

Project Status

Phase 1 opened Wednesday, July 29, 2015. Construction on the new road finished ahead of schedule. Originally scheduled to open in September, it opened while the finishing touches were completed. Please, drive slow and be aware of changes to the traffic patterns, reduce speeds, and obey speed limit signs. A preferred Phase 2 Alignment was selected and confirmed by the Mat-Su Assembly. Right-of-way acquisition is 95% complete.

Alaska DOT&PF Project Site

In 2020, the Mat-Su Borough was awarded a matching grant from the Federal Highway Administration to complete the project. Project management has been transferred to the Alaska DOT&PF to complete the remaining work including design, ROW, and construction. Refer to the State's website here: and their project Design Status Report for more information.


Contact Information: 
Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Mike Campfield, P.E., Project Manager
(907) 861-7719
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Project Docs

Corridor Access Management Plan (pdf 2.51 MB)   |  2530 hits

Seldon Rd Extension PH II - Alignment (pdf 10.87 MB)   |  2529 hits

Project Fact Sheet (pdf 322.55 KB)   |  3314 hits

Design Status Report (July 2022) (pdf 558.99 KB)   |  2146 hits

Project Cost

Funding was originally available for this project in 2011 through a combination of state grant funds and Borough general obligation bonds. The cost for Phase I was approximately $5.5 million.
Phase II total costs are expected to be in the $10 million range. Funding through the federal Community Transportation Program and Mat-Su Borough general obligation bonds will complete Phase II.