Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Proposed Borough Budget $9 million less

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, April 24, 2017

Even with continuous population growth (102,598 residents) and State funding shortfalls, and infrastructure demands, the proposed 2018 Borough budget has shrunk by $9 million over last year. The proposed local funding for schools maintains the same level of funding as last year, $55.8 million.

The adopted comprehensive budget for fiscal year 2017 was $401.6 million. The proposed comprehensive budget for 2018 is $392,519,858.

If approved, the proposed areawide mill rate would go up slightly to 10.14. Under this rate, taxes would increase (areawide & non-areawide) on a $200,000 home by $33. Last year’s mill rate was 9.984.

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough operates with the leanest personnel to resident ratio for any municipality in the state, one employee for every 330 residents.

Look over the proposed budget posted here or found from a link on the front of the Borough website. 

The fiscal year 2018 proposed budget for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough will be the subject of public testimony this week at three public hearings:

• Monday, April 24, 6 pm at the Menard Center in Wasilla, 1001 S. Clapp Street

• Tuesday, April 25, 6 pm in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 350 E. Dahlia Ave in Palmer

• Thursday, April 27, 6 pm in Willow, at mile 69 of the Parks Highway in the Willow Community Center

For more information contact Public Affairs at 861-8577.

