Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Boards > Library Citizens' Advisory Committee

The Library Citizens' Advisory Committee was created to review and make recommendations to the administration regarding challenged library materials. Created by OR 24-039; IM 24-072

Committee meetings shall be held at least quarterly but may be held as frequently as monthly as decided by the committee members or upon the call of the chair.

Please check the Public Meetings schedule for specific meeting information.


Staff Support:
Sarah Thomas
Phone: (907) 861-8578 Full Directory

LCAC Documents

Library Collection Development Policy
Library Material Reconsideration Form

Books Reviewed

LCAC Final Decisions

Final Decision on "Identical"
Final Decision on Red Hood

Agendas, Packets, Minutes & Video

May 12, 2025Regular scheduled meeting of the Library Citizens'...
April 14, 2025Regular scheduled meeting of the Library Citizens'...
March 10, 2025Regular scheduled meeting of the Library Citizens'...
February 10, 2025Regular scheduled meeting of the Library Citizens'...AgendaPacket
January 13, 2025CANCELLED: NO QUORUM Regular scheduled meeting of...AgendaPacket

Boards > Waterbody Setback Advisory Board


The Waterbody Setback Advisory Board was created in August of 2023 by Ordinance 23-079, and is empowered to review and recommend any changes to Borough code relating to waterbody setbacks and related issues. 

These related issues should include variances/non-conformities, how to deal with structures built in violation of the 1973 and 1987 ordinances, possible remedies for structures in violation, and any other issues the Board believes are pertinent.  To the extent possible, the WSAB shall identify possible solutions, and identify resources needed to implement and enforce those solutions.

The Waterbody Setback Advisory Board will prepare a written report and the Chair will present the report to the Borough Assembly no later than March of 2025.


Please check the Public Meetings schedule for specific meeting information.


CJ Koan
Kendra Zamzow
Matthew LaCroix
Tim Alley
William Klebesadel
Carl Brent
Bill Kendig
Jeanette Perdue
William Haller

Alex Strawn Planning & Land Use Director
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (907) 861-7850

Lacie Olivieri Planning & Land Use Administrative Specialist
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (907) 861-7851 Full Directory
Matanuska-Susitna Borough Shoreland Setbacks: Analysis and Recommendation (1998) (pdf 6.13 MB)   |  461 hits

Waterbody Setback Presentation (pdf 3.1 MB)   |  575 hits

Draft Ordinance (pdf 175.14 KB)   |  334 hits

Draft Resolution (pdf 123.62 KB)   |  253 hits

Boards > Agriculture Advisory Board

MSB 4.80.010 (B) The purpose of the agriculture advisory board is to review issues specifically related to and affecting borough agriculture lands and advise the assembly and manager on such matters

Please check the Public Meetings schedule for specific meeting information.


Land & Resource Management



Full Directory

Agendas, Packets & Minutes

January 15, 2025CANCELLED - Regular Meeting - DSJ Lower Level Conf...AgendaPacket
December 18, 2024Regular Meeting - DSJ Lower Level Conference RoomAgendaPacket
November 20, 2024Regular Meeting - Assembly Chambers (back half)AgendaPacketMinutes
October 16, 2024Regular Meeting - DSJ Lower Level Conference RoomAgendaPacketMinutes
September 18, 2024Regular Meeting - DSJ Lower Level Conference RoomAgendaPacketMinutes

Boards > Greater Farm Loop Community Council

A Community Council serves as a  nonprofit, voluntary, self-governing association of residents of an area. It is recognized by assembly resolution, but is not an arm of the Borough.

Please check the Public Meetings schedule for specific meeting information.


Farm Loop Community Council Map (pdf 1.81 MB)   |  1935 hits

Boards > Health and Social Services Board

The health and social services board is established for the purpose of providing advice to the assembly and the administration on issues of health and social services including issues relating to the senior citizens of our borough and participation in the human services community matching grant program.

The November 17, 2022 Health and Social Services Board Meeting has been CANCELLED. The 2023 meeting dates will be announced and published in December 2022.

Please check the Public Meetings schedule for specific meeting information.


 Pam Graham, Grants Coordinator
(907) 861-8408
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Full Directory
August-18-2022-Meeting-Packet.pdf (pdf 358.29 KB)   |  1554 hits