Matanuska-Susitna Borough
A Resolution Approving The Amended Scope Of Work, Reverse 911 Equipment, Fund 202, Project No. 45184-2600-2603 In The Amount Of $150,000; And Computer Aided Dispatch To Computer Aided Dispatch And Alaska Public Safety Information Network Interface, Project No. 45184-2600-2604 In The Amount Of $150,000.

A Resolution Amending The Scope Of Work For Project No. 45254 To Fund The Land Purchase And Design And Construction Of The New West Lakes Station 7-3.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Project Income On The Rail Extension From Port MacKenzie To The Mainline Project.

A Resolution Establishing Dates Certain For Payment, Delinquency, Protest, And Appeal Of 2017 Regular Assessment And Tax Rolls, Business Inventory Filing, And For The Commencement Of Hearings Before The Board Of Equalization.

A Resolution Amending The Scope Of Work For Project No. 45253 To Fund The Design And Construction Of The New Caswell Fire Service Area Station 13-1 And Purchase Firefighter And Firefighting Equipment And Supplies.

A Resolution To Approve Edits To The Fiscal Year 2017 Schedule Of Rates And Fees.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Scope Of Work, Budgets, And Transfer Of Funds From Clay Chapman/Knik Knack Mud Shack Road, Project No. 35436, Fund 430, Roads And Bridges Capital Projects, In The Amount Of $8,092.76 And State Match For Borough Transportation School Access Bonds, Fund 430, Project No. 40201, In The Amount Of $88,095.40 To Trunk Road Connectors, Fund 430, Project No. 35426, In The Total Amount Of $96,188.16.

A Resolution Establishing The Scope Of Work And Budget; And Authorization For The Manager To Enter Into Memorandums Of Agreement With The Cities Of Palmer And Wasilla And The Grant Agreement For The Matanuska-Susitna Brownfields Assessment Fiscal Year 2016.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Department Of Military And Veteran’s Affairs, Emergency Management Performance Grant, Project No. 45285,
Fund 425, For Emergency Management Wages And Benefits.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Homeland Security And Emergency Management Grant, Project No. 45158, Fund 425, For Hazardous Materials Detection Equipment.

A Resolution Supporting The Alaska Avalanche Information Center Efforts To Install Safety Signs In Key Snowmobile Access Points Providing Critical Information On Backcountry Travel To Raise Awareness And Prepare Riders For Safe Snowmobile Riding. (Sponsored By Assemblymember Mayfield)

A Resolution Supporting The Restoration Of Funding To The State Of Alaska Snowmobile Trails Advisory Council For Fiscal Year 2017 Via The Supplemental Budget Process Or Other Means. (Sponsored by Assemblymember Mayfield)

A Resolution Supporting The Outdoor Recreational Trails Advisory Board Grant Application By Curry Ridge Riders To Upgrade And Or Replace Trail Signage On 115 Miles Of Groomed Trails In The Petersville And Trapper Creek Area. (Sponsored by Assemblymember Mayfield)

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget To Demolish The Old Iditarod Elementary School, Project No. 40023.

A Resolution Amending The Budgets For Project Nos. 45265 And 45267, And Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Project No. 45257, Fund 425, To Purchase A Replacement Vehicle For Emergency Services Administration.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budgets And Transfer Of Funds From Old Glenn Highway Paved Pathway In Butte, Project No. 35412, Fund 430; Roads And Bridges Capital Projects Fund To Collector Road Access To Machetanz Elementary, Also Known As Trunk Road Extension South, Project No. 35402, Fund 430, Roads And Bridges Capital Projects Fund, In The Amount Of $500,000.

A Resolution Allocating Human Services Community Matching Grant Funds To Non-Profit Human Service Agencies Within The Community And Authorizing The Manager To Enter Into Grant Agreements With The Sub-Grantee Agencies.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Participation In The Human Services Community Matching Grant Program.

A Resolution Finding The Annexation Of Properties In The Brazil Circle Area Into The West Lakes Fire Service Area No. 136 Serves The Public Interest Without The Placement Of The Question On The Ballot. (Sponsored By Assemblymember Mayfield)

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Design, Permitting And Initial Phase Of Construction Of The Septage And Leachate Treatment And Disposal Facility.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Division Of Homeland Security And Emergency Management Grant, Project No. 20259, Fund 480, For The Borough Local Emergency Planning Committee.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budgets And Transfer Of Funds From Seldon Road And Lucille Street Upgrades, Project No. 35406, Fund 430, Roads And Bridges Capital Projects Fund To Collector Road Access To Machetanz Elementary, Also Known As Trunk Road Extension South, Project No. 35402, Fund 430, Roads And Bridges Capital Projects Fund, In The Amount Of $112,462.94.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The 2015 Sockeye Fire Disaster Relief Monies, Project No. 55018.

A Resolution Amending The Land And Resource Management Division Policy And Procedures Manual.

A Resolution Amending The Scope Of Work For The Fiscal Year 2012 And Fiscal Year 2013 Areawide Capital Appropriation For Grant Match For The Federal Highway Administration And The Federal Aviation Administration To The Allow Funds To Be Used To Match Grant Funds From Any Entity. (Pending)

A Resolution Approving The Amended Scope Of Work And Budgets For Project No. 25030, Skwentna Solid Waste Facility Landfill Improvements; Project No. 25001, Landfill Ford F550 Vehicle Purchase; And Project No. 25001, Landfill Ford F250 Vehicle Purchase To Allow For The Purchase Of A New Side-By-Side Utility Vehicle. (Pending)

A Resolution Amending The Schedule Of Fees For The Collection Of Construction And Demolition Materials As Adopted In Resolution Serial No. 16-023, From $125 Per Ton To $120 Per Ton. (Pending)

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Division Of Forestry Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant And Matching Funds For Talkeetna Fire Service Area, Project No. 20145, Fund 405.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Division Of Forestry Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant And Matching Funds For Butte Fire Service Area, Project No. 20144, Fund 405.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Division Of Forestry Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant And Matching Funds For Caswell Fire Service Area, Project No. 20150, Fund 405.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Division Of Forestry Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant And Matching Funds For Willow Fire Service Area, Project No. 20146, Fund 405.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Department Of Health And Social Services Grant, Project No. 45284, Fund 425, For Emergency Response Materials, Planning, Training And Exercise, As Well As Personnel Costs For Coordinating The Support Of The Emergency Operations Plan.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Southern Region Emergency Medical Services Council, Code Blue Grant, And Matching Funds For Lake Louise Ambulance, Project
No. 45277, Fund 480.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Preparation Of A Preliminary Report And An Environmental Report For The United States Department Of Agriculture In Support Of Proposed Improvements For The Talkeetna Wastewater Lagoon. (Pending)

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget And Authorize An Increase In The Contract Amendment Authority To Complete Construction Finishes And Americans With Disabilities Access Requirements Of Four Portable Classrooms At The New Fronteras Charter School, Project No. 40202, School Capital Projects, Fund 400. (Pending)

A Resolution Finding The Annexation Of Properties Located In And Around Creekside Perch Subdivision Area Into The Greater Palmer Consolidated Fire Service Area No. 132 Serves The Public Interest Without The Placement Of The Question On The Ballot. (Sponsored by Assemblymember Doty)

A Resolution Finding The Annexation Of A Parcel Located At The End Of East T & T Lane On Lee Circle Into The Lazy Mountain Road Service Area No. 19 Serves The Public Interest And Placing It Before The Voters In The October 4, 2016, Regular Borough Election. (Sponsored by Assemblymember Beck)

A Resolution Approving The Scopes Of Work And Budgets For The Government Peak Recreation Area Master Plan, The Ridge Trail Management Plan, Project No. 15013, And For Trail Development, Project No. 15015.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget And Authorizing The Manager To Enter Into A Grant Agreement With The Alaska State Department Of Environmental Conservation, Division Of Water, For The Purpose Of Conducting A Stormwater Analysis On Cottonwood Creek.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budgets And Transfer Of Funds From Seldon Road And Lucille Street Upgrades, Project No. 35406, To Collector Road Access To Machetanz Elementary (Also Known As “Trunk Road Extension South”), Project No. 35402, In The Amount Of $300,487, And Old Glenn Highway Paved Pathway In The Butte, Project No. 35412, In The Amount Of $150,000 For A Total Amount Of $450,487.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For An Information Technology Strategic Plan Support Project Fund.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Project Income On The Rail Extension From Port Mackenzie To The Maineline Project.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For A Security Card Upgrade Project.

A Resolution Supporting Planning Efforts To Develop A Regional Transportation Planning Partnership Process To Ensure Better Communication And Collaboration Between The Alaska State Department Of Transportation And Public Facilities, The Borough, And The Cities Of Palmer, Wasilla, And Houston.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budget For Parks And Recreation Shop Upgrades, Fund 440, Project No. 15039.

A Resolution Amending The Budget For Revision No. 1 In The Amount Of $495,000 For Replacement Of Up To 24 Culverts For Fish Passage Improvements, Project No. 30114.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Fireweed Building Improvements, Project No. 10178.

A Resolution Amending The Budget For The September 2012 Southcentral Flood Disaster Relief Monies, Project No. 55017.

A Resolution Establishing The Minimum Level Of Funding For The Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017.

A Resolution Amending The Budgets For Project Nos. 47035, 47038, 47046, 47047, And 47520 And Extending The Time Of Completion For Project Funding And Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Planning Office Modification Project, The Housing Analysis Project, And The Regional Transportation Project.

A Resolution Approving The Use Of Material From Borough-Owned Parcel 26N04W17D001, Classified As Resource Management Lands For Talkeetna Airport Improvements.

A Resolution Amending The Scope Of Work For Project No. 45051, To Include Paving, Lighting, And Safety Bollards At Sutton Fire Station 1-1.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Division Of Homeland Security And Emergency Management Grant, Fund 425, Project
No. 45158-4415, For Emergency Operation Center Software, Incident Command System Training, And Exercise Supplies And Contract Support.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budget For Project No. 45274, To Allow For The Construction Of A Willow Fire Service Area Warm Storage Building At Four Mile Road.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Alaska State Department Of Health And Social Services Grant, Fund 425, Project No. 45284, For Emergency Response Materials, Planning, Training, And Exercise, As Well As Personnel Costs For Coordinating The Support Of The Emergency Operations Plan.

A Resolution Approving A Best Interest Finding Recommending Classification Of Borough-Owned Lands Identified Herein For Inclusion In The 2016 Competitive Sealed Bid Land Sale (MB007129).

A Resolution Supporting A Security Assessment Of The Financial Management Software, Logos, In An Amount Not To Exceed $50,000.

A Resolution Requesting The Alaska State Legislature And Governor Walker To Enact, During The 2016 Legislative Session, Legislation To Provide For A Balanced, Sustainable, And Predictable State Budget.

A Resolution Amending The Budget For Project No. 10063, To Provide Additional Funding For The Dorothy Swanda Jones Administration Building Phase 2 Roof Top Unit Connections, Fire Proofing, And Back-Up Generator.

A Resolution Amending The Scopes Of Work And Budgets For Flood Plain Mapping, Project No. 47512, And Aerial Imagery Acquisition, Project No. 47519, To Include Flood Plain Mapping Advertising.

A Resolution Amending The Scopes Of Work And Budgets For Project Management System, Project No. 47507 And SharePoint Development And Implementation, Project No. 47044 To Include The Development And Implementation Of A Project Management Site, Completion Of The Trim Upgrade To HP Records Management Allowing For Integration With SharePoint And Consulting And Training For The Use Of HP Records Management.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget Of $704,890 For The Port Mackenzie Barge Dock Repair, Project No. 70012.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Project No. 45267, To Allow For The Replacement Of An Emergency Medical Services Vehicle That Was Destroyed In A Collision.

A Resolution Amending The Budgets For Project Nos. 10145, 15002, 15032, 15036, 15039, 15040, And 15035; And Amending The Scope Of Work For Project No. 10173.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Project No. 45282, To Allow For The Purchase And Installation Of An Electric Fill Pump At Willow Fire Station 12-6.

A Resolution Supporting A Coordinated Public/Private Partnership On Housing And Housing Affordability In The Matanuska-Susitna Borough.

A Resolution Amending The Scope Of Work And Budgets For Two Elevator Projects Within Project No. 10141, Maintenance Facility In The Dorothy Swanda Jones Building.

A Resolution To Adopt The Fiscal Year 2017 Schedule Of Rates And Fees, Effective July 1, 2016, In Order To Have A Single Document For All Fees In The Matanuska-Susitna Borough.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget And Authorizing The Manager To Enter Into A Grant Agreement With The Alaska State Department Of Environmental Conservation, Division Of Water, For The Purpose Of Conducting A Stormwater Analysis On Cottonwood Creek.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Fiscal Year 2015 Community Revenue Sharing Program, Project No. 47033.

A Resolution Amending The Scope Of Work For Project No. 15015, Fund 440 To Include The Remaining Acquisition Cost To Purchase The Bodenburg Butte Summit (MSB007033).

A Resolution Approving The Financial Responsibility For The M/V Susitna For April, May, And June 2016.

A Resolution Amending The Budgets For Project Nos. 10140 And 10175, To Allow For The Completion Of The Carpet Replacement At Station 6-1.

A Resolution Amending The Scope Of Work For Hatcher Pass Road And Transit Facility, Project No. 35187, To Include Improvements And Upgrades To The Hatcher Pass/Government Peak Recreation Area Trails System.

A Resolution Finding The Annexation Of Properties Located In Secluded Point Estates Area Into The Central Mat-Su Fire Service Area No. 130 Serves The Public Interest Without The Placement Of The Question On The Ballot.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The M/V Susitna Ferry Engine Repairs, Project No. 70013; And Authorization To Enter Into A Contact With Associated Maritime Providers, Inc. In The Amount Of $1,993,488. (Pending)

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Government Peak Recreation Area.

A Resolution Amending The Budgets For Project Nos. 10179 And 45225 To Allow For Additional Funding To Continue With Phase I Of The Sutton Ambulance Building Redesign Project.

A Resolution Approving Certain Unincorporated Communities And The Incorporated Nonprofit Entity For Participation In The Fiscal Year 2017 Community Revenue Sharing Program.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budgets And Transfer Of Funds From Clap/Mack Road Extension, Wasilla Sports Center To Knik Goose Bay Road Improvements Project, Project No. 35403, To Collector Road Access To Machetanz Elementary, Also Known As Trunk Road Extension South, Project No. 35402, In The Amount Of $800,000.

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budgets And Transfer Of Remaining Bond And Grant Funds From Wright And Chickaloon Way Paved Pathway In Sutton, Also Known As Sutton Pathway – Glenn Highway To Sutton Elementary School, Project No. 35413 In The Amount Of $64,595.03 To Old Glenn Highway Paved Pathway In The Butte, Project
No. 35412. (Pending)

A Resolution Approving A Best Interest Finding In Support Of The Exchange Of Borough-Owned Land For Privately-Owned Land For Purpose Of Constructing A Public Safety Warm Storage Building In Accordance With Willow Fire Service Area Project No. 45274, Fund 405 (MSB006716).

A Resolution Approving The Amended Budgets And Transfer Of Remaining Bond And Grant Funds From Caswell Lakes Road Upgrades, Project No. 35408; Vine Road Upgrade, Project No. 35410; And Willow Lake Drive Upgrade, Project
No. 35409; To Collector Road Access To Machetanz Elementary (Also Known As “Trunk Road Extension South”), Project No. 35402, For A Total Amount Of $66,738.96.

A Resolution Approving A Loan From The Service Area Revolving Loan Fund, Fund 610, In The Amount Of $214,000 To The Talkeetna Sewer And Water Service Area, Fund 293, To Make The Funds Available For Projects And Purchases Needed To Bring The Talkeetna Sewer Lagoon Discharge Into Compliance With The Alaska State Department Of Environmental Conservation Discharge Permit.

A Resolution Recognizing The Second Monday In October As Indigenous Peoples’ Day. (Sponsored By Assemblymember Sykes)

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For Project No. 45051, To Allow For The Completion Of The Water Storage Tank, Pump, Well, And Access Driveway Project For Sutton Fire Station 1-1.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Replacement Of Up To 24 Culverts For Fish Passage Improvements, Project No. 30114.

A Resolution Approving The Financial Responsibility For The M/V Susitna For January, February, And March 2016.

A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Fiscal Year 2016 Capital Appropriation Recreation Priorities, Fund 480, Project No. 15035.

A Resolution Authorizing A Loan Application To The Alaska State Department Of Environmental Conservation, Alaska Clean Water Fund, For The Amount Of $7,000,000 For Design And Construction Of A New Lined Cell Tied To The Existing Leachate Collection System And Adjacent Landfill Cells At The Central Landfill.