Boards > MSB Fish and Wildlife Commission
Meetings are generally held from September through May, on the second Thursday of the month, at the Borough building: 350 E. Dahlia Ave. Palmer. Meeting agenda/packet/call-in details will be posted via the links above about one week prior to each meeting.
FWC Regular Meeting:
Thursday, November 14, 4:00 PM
MSB DSJ Building - Assembly Chambers
MSB Fish and Wildlife Commission Functions:
(A) The commission shall advise and make recommendations to the assembly, borough manager, and/or any state or federal agencies, departments, commissions, or boards possessing jurisdiction in the area of fish, wildlife, and habitat on the interests of the borough in the conservation and allocation of fish, wildlife, and habitat.
(B) The commission may also advise the assembly and the borough manager on any other matter as to actions or issues for the borough to address on any other areas concerning fish, wildlife, habitat, administration, application, enforcement, or appointment to include political efforts, additional lobbying efforts, or any other position or action the borough should take on fish, wildlife, or habitat issues.
(Ord. 15-122, § 2, 2015: Ord. 12-052, § 3 (part), 2012)
MSB Fish and Wildlife Commission Members:
The MSB Fish and Wildlife Commission members, along with their contact information, can be found on the sidebar to the right under "DIRECTORY".
The commission consists of eight representatives from the following segments of the community:
- Two representative from the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly
- One sport fishing representative
- One hunting representative
- Four at-large positions
Interested in serving on the Mat-Su Fish and Wildlife Commission? Download an application HERE.
Fish Hub
Learn more about Mat-Su fisheries at our FISH HUB.
Fisheries Reports and Studies
Please check the Public Meetings schedule for specific meeting information.
Commission Members
Tim Hale - Assembly
Bill Gamble - Assembly
Gabe Kitter - Sport Fish
Larry Engel - Hunting
Howard Delo - At Large
Kendra Zamzow - At Large
Peter Probasco (Vice Chair) - At Large
Andy Couch (Chair) - At Large
Jim Sykes - Ex-officio (non-voting)
Staff support - Planning Division
Maija DiSalvo
Ph. 907.861-7865
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Full Directory
Ph. 907.861-7865
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Full Directory
FWC-ADF&G Fishery Questions, 2012-20 (pdf 16.72 MB) | 1870 hits
2022 FWC Comment on Susitna Basin Coalbed Methane Exploration to AK DOG (PDF 485.41 KB) | 1802 hits
2022 FWC Letter to ADF&G on Antlerless Moose Hunts in MSB (PDF 437.23 KB) | 1426 hits
2024 It Takes Fish to Make Fish (pdf 7.07 MB) | 1684 hits
Contribution of Recreational Fishing to Mat-Su Borough in 2017 (pdf 268.66 KB) | 1221 hits
Economic Contributions of Sportfishing on Cook Inlet in 2017 (pdf 2.96 MB) | 1247 hits
2024 FWC Comments to Board of Fisheries (pdf 7.5 MB) | 787 hits