For voter approval on October 2, 2018.
$23.8 M is the Borough’s cost of the projects or half the cost.
Connects Bogard Road with Palmer-Wasilla Hwy near Palmer High.
Connects Parks Hwy to Palmer-Wasilla Hwy
Will reconstruct and widen the road embankment to provide for adequate travel lanes and shoulders. The project will also construct a pedestrian/bicycle pathway.
.1 of 6, Connecting Broadway on the Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. to Colony Middle & High schools
.Replaces Wasilla Creek Bridge and extends the pedestrian/bike path.
.Provides school access to Pioneer Peak Elementary, commercial businesses south, and residential housing east of Trunk Road.
.Connects Church Rd. To Pittman Rd.
Connects west and east ends of Palmer Fishhook Road and Wasilla Fishhook Road
The project will provide an upgraded road corridor between the City of Houston and the Meadow Lakes area
The project will provide an upgraded road corridor between the City of Houston and the Meadow Lakes area