MAT-SU—Residents near Caswell Lakes, an area without fire protection, are invited to two open houses next week to consider creating their own fire service area.
The meetings are May 13, 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. at the Sheep Creek Lodge, mile 88.2 of the Parks Highway, and May 17, a Saturday, from 2 p.m.- 4 p.m. Door prizes will be given out.

Assembly Member Tom Kluberton represents the area. “With the rising number of house fires in the Caswell area in the last year or two, interest has reached and all-time high for creating a fire service area in this community,” Kluberton said. “The Borough has, over the winter, spent time making plans and devising a plan of attack and a mill rate in order to put fire service in the area. Our state Legislators are standing by to put in a capital budget request next year should the community vote in favor of a mill rate.”
In the last two years, four structures have been destroyed by fire in the Caswell Lakes and Kashwitna area. Property owners are without the support of a dedicated fire department to defend their property from fire.
“In past fires in the Caswell Lakes area, neighboring Borough fire service areas were prohibited from responding to a non-fire service area,” said Dennis Brodigan, Director of Emergency Services. “This is in direct conflict with our Borough mission of fire protection. Our Borough firefighters are torn apart, knowing that they could be of assistance.”
There are eight fire service areas in the MAT-SU Borough, in which residents enjoy the peace of mind of fire protection, and a variety of public services such as emergency response for smoke detector and carbon monoxide alarms, as well as response for vehicle fires, and illegal burnings.

The devastating Millers Reach Fire of 1996
The proposed Caswell Lakes Fire Service Area is 58 ¼ square miles in size. It begins north of Willow and ends south of Talkeetna from milepost 80.7 to milepost 95.5 on the Parks Highway. The Borough recently mailed out more than 1900 postcards to landowners/residents inviting all to participate in a town hall style meeting.
The two town hall meetings will give an overview of a fire service area in the MAT-SU Borough, the costs to taxpayers to form an FSA, the process to create an FSA, among other topics. This is an opportunity for landowners/residents to ask questions, make suggestions, and converse with Assembly Member Tom Kluberton and the Borough on this important public service.

Map of Service Area (large file)
Visit the Borough Code online at for more information. MAT-SU Borough Code Title 5.10 - Establishment of Service Areas provides the guidance to create a fire service area. Ultimately, Caswell Lakes area residents must vote on whether to adopt it in a Borough election.
For more information, please contact the Department of Emergency Services at 373-8800.