Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Lake Louise Boat Launch & Parking Area Upgrade


To construct improvements to an existing single boat launch and the adjacent parking area on Lake Louise.

Project Benefits

  • Concrete boat launch pads extended to deeper water and widened to allow for boats to be launched or loaded two at a time from trailers.Lake Louise Boat Launch


  • Dock adds safe access into boats for handicap and elderly and safe tie up for loading/off loading.Lake Louise Floating Dock


  • Additional parking lot space increases safety by relocating vehicles out of the highway traffic travel lanes to the new parking area, allows for more users and improves safety in the loading/unloading zone.
  • Lake Louise Parking Lot

Project Status

Narrow, shallow, old boat launch replaced by wider, deeper new boat launch and opened to the public on August 8, 2019. New dock facilities opened on June 23, 2020. Parking lot expanded and opened with a D-1 surface; vaulted toilet, and three kiosks completed on August 9, 2020. The final paving and striping of the parking lot will occur near the end of June 2021 to allow for additional permafrost thawing and ground embankment settlement.


Contact Information

Bob Walden, P.E., MSB Project Manager

Pre-Design & Engineering Division

Capital Projects Department

1 (907) 861-7726

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Project Docs

Project Fact Sheet - October 2020 (pdf 293.62 KB)   |  914 hits

Project Cost

Lake Louise Community: $25,000
Mat Su Trails & Parks: $40,000
MSB for Grant 3:1 match: $330,500
ADF&G/USFWS Pitman-Robertson Grant: $646,500.