The use of unmanned aircraft systems(UAS), or drones, is exploding for both citizens and businesses in Alaska. Prospective operators want to fly, and fly safely, but many don’t realize that, just because you can buy a UAS, doesn’t mean you can fly it anywhere, or for any purpose. The Matanuska-Susitna Borough has partnered with the Know Before You Fly Campaign to help give users guidance for safe and responsible operation.
You will need to register your drone (sUAS) here.
Fly no higher than 400 feet
Currently small UAS may be operated for hobby and recreational purposes under specific safety guidelines as established by Congress. Small UAS flown for recreational purposes are typically known as model aircraft.
Under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, recreational UAS must be operated in accordance with several requirements, including a community-based set of safety guidelines and within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization such as the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). Operators not operating within the safety program of a community-based organization should follow the FAA’s guidance.
See more guidelines at
small Unmanned Aircraft System Facts
What are a commercial uses of UAS?