Matanuska-Susitna Borough
  • 1818000L001

Ryan McKay and Jana Weltzin applied for a Conditional Use Permit under MSB 17.60 – Conditional Uses, for the operation of a Marijuana Retail Facility known as Fort Green Alaska. The proposed location is 7821 W. Parks Highway, on Tax ID # 1818000L001.

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning the application on Monday, May 5, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers located at 350 E. Dahlia Avenue in Palmer. This may be the only presentation of this item before the Planning Commission and you are invited to attend. Planning Commission members may not receive or engage in ex-parte contact with the applicant, other interested parties in the application, or members of the public concerning the application or issues presented in the application.

Application materials may be viewed online at by clicking on “All Public Notices & Announcements.” For additional information, you may contact Peggy Horton, Current Planner, by phone at 907-861-7862. Provide written comments by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by mail to MSB Development Services Division, 350 E. Dahlia Avenue, Palmer, AK 99645.

The public may provide verbal testimony at the meeting or telephonically by calling 1-855-290-3803. In order to be eligible to file an appeal from a decision of the Planning Commission, a person must be designated an interested party. See MSB 15.39.010 for the definition of an interested party. The procedures governing appeals to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals are contained in MSB 15.39.010-250, which is available on the Borough home page:, in the Borough Clerk’s office, and at various libraries within the borough.

Comments are due on or before April 9, 2025, and will be included in the Planning Commission packet. Please be advised that comments received from the public after that date will not be included in the staff report, but will be provided to the Commission at the meeting.

2025-02-25 00:11:00
2025-02-25 00:09:52
2025-05-28 00:04:23
Public Notices
Public Notice
  • 19N05W13C02

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough (Borough) Land & Resource Management Division has received a request from Tory and Cynthia Oleck to acquire the remaining interest in the land estate of Tax ID 19N05W13C02 conveyed through an agricultural land sale under former Title 13. The Olecks currently hold title to the agricultural rights of the property while the Borough holds title to the development rights. This request would merge the Borough’s development rights with the agricultural rights for fee simple estate and would implement the covenants, conditions, and restrictions used under the Title 23 agricultural program. This conversion program is voluntary and was instituted to allow agricultural parcels sold by the Borough under former Title 13 to become as close to the same regulations as possible under Title 23. The covenants for both programs require that the land use remains Agricultural in perpetuity.

Supporting material is available for public inspection by appointment only during normal business hours on the 2nd floor of the Borough Building in the Land & Resource Management office or visit the Public Notice Section on the Borough’s web page,  Public comment is invited on this request. If you have any comments please mail or deliver them to the Borough offices at the address indicated above, no later than March 26, 2025. If you have questions about this request or would like to schedule an appointment to view supporting materials, call Suzanne Reilly at 907-861-8492 between 8 am - 5 pm or you can send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (please refer to MSB001235 Oleck Ag Conversion when submitting comments).

2025-02-21 17:20:00
2025-02-21 17:20:01
2025-03-28 17:15:43
Public Notices
Public Notice
  • 21N05W36A001, 21N05W36A002

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough (Borough) Land & Resource Management Division has received a request from Mark and Sandy Stahl to acquire the remaining interest in the land estate of Tax IDs 21N05W36A001 and    21N05W36A002 conveyed through an agriculture land sale under former Title 13.  Currently the Stahls have title to the agricultural rights of the property while the Borough holds title to the development rights.  This request would merge the Borough’s development rights with the agricultural rights for fee simple estate and would implement the covenants, conditions, and restrictions used under the Title 23 agricultural programs.  This conversion program is voluntary and was instituted to allow agricultural parcels sold by the Borough under former Title 13 to become as close to the same regulations as possible under Title 23.  The covenants require that the land use will remain agricultural in perpetuity.

Supporting material is available for public inspection by appointment only during normal business hours on the 2nd floor of the Borough Building in the Land & Resource Management office or visit the Public Notice Section on the Borough’s web page,  Public comment is invited on this request.  If you have any comments please mail or deliver them to the Borough offices at the address indicated above, no later than     March 1, 2025.  If you have questions about this request or would like to schedule an appointment to view supporting material, call Suzanne Reilly at (907) 861-8492 or you can send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (please refer to MSB001274 Stahl Ag Rights Conversion when submitting comments)

2025-01-31 19:59:00
2025-01-31 19:56:25
2025-03-01 19:56:28
Public Notices
Public Notice
  • 51783B06L001, 51783B05L001

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough (Borough) Assembly directed the Borough Manager to negotiate and enter into an agreement to acquire the Big Lake Lions Club Recreation Center and parking lot (Reso 24-114) located at 2942 & 2863 S. Lions Circle. The Big Lake Lions Club (Club) is ready to release the facility and asked the Borough look at the facility and consider taking over the ownership and operations. The facility primarily operates as an ice arena. Ice is only maintained when natural freezing would allow and is possible 4-5 months of the year, depending on weather conditions. When outside temperatures are too warm to maintain ice, turf is applied or removed to allow for non-ice activities including, but not limited to roller hockey, other roller skating, bazaars, wrestling, mini golf, pickleball and open play equipment. The arena has four locker rooms, restrooms, rental skate facility, conference room, mechanical room, Zamboni room, a two-room office, a second-floor mezzanine and a commercial kitchen. The mezzanine meeting space with kitchen allows the facility to be used for other large gathering events of up to 50-75 people. This space is used for community meetings, small weddings, showers and fundraisers. The 2024 Borough tax appraised value of the facility is $3,508,100 and the Club is offering the property for $400,000. The agreement is contingent on Borough Assembly approval and appropriation of funds for the purchase.

Supporting material is available for public inspection by appointment only during normal business hours on the 2nd floor of the Borough Building in the Land & Resource Management office or visit the Public Notice Section on the Borough’s web page,  Public comment is invited on this request.  If you have any comments please mail or deliver them to the Borough offices at the address indicated above no later than  March 4, 2025.  If you have questions about this request or would like to schedule an appointment to view supporting materials, call Lisa Gray at 907-861-7848 between 8 am - 5 pm or you can send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (please refer to MSB008139 Big Lake Lions Club Recreation Center when submitting comments)

2025-02-03 18:16:00
2025-02-03 18:15:41
2025-03-04 18:15:46
Public Notices
Material Extraction Permit
  • 1341000T001, 1341000T002

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning the application on Monday, March 17, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers at 350 E. Dahlia Avenue in Palmer. This may be the only presentation of this item before the Planning Commission, and you are invited to attend. Planning Commission members may not receive or engage in ex-parte contact with the applicant, other interested parties in the application, or members of the public concerning the application or issues presented in the application.

Application materials may be viewed online at by clicking “All Public Notices & Announcements.”  For additional information, you may contact Rick Benedict, Current Planner, by phone: 907-861-8527. Provide written comments by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by mail to MSB Development Services Division, 350 E. Dahlia Avenue, Palmer, AK 99645.

The public may provide verbal testimony at the meeting or telephonically by calling 1-855-290-3803. To be eligible to file an appeal from a decision of the Planning Commission, a person must be designated an interested party. See MSB 15.39.010 for the definition of an interested party. The procedures governing appeals to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals are contained in MSB 15.39.010-250, which is available on the Borough home page at, in the Borough Clerk’s office, and at various libraries within the borough.

Comments are due on or before February 28, 2025, and will be included in the Planning Commission packet. Please be advised that comments received from the public after that date will not be included in the staff report but will be provided to the Commission at the meeting.

2025-01-22 01:01:00
2025-01-22 01:00:41
2025-04-12 00:00:44
Public Notices