Mat-Su Borough Code 17.10 Overlay Districts allows for the creation of Aviation Activity Notice Area districts.
This designation provides notice to property owners, future property owners, developers, public officials, and others that properties within designated aviation activity notice areas are located adjacent to or within close proximity of airports and within flight paths of a Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) registered airport. The property within the Aviation Activity Notice Area may be affected from a variety of aviation activities. Such activities may include but are nt limited to noise, vibration, chemical odors, hours of operation, low overhead flights and other associated activities.
If you would like to create a district, please submit an application.
No. The FAA ultimately dictates what the airport owner can do, we don’t have jurisdiction of the airspace or land use on private property.
No. This overlay is only a notification of existing activity, it does not have the authority to control aviation activity.
No. MSB 17.10.110 requires that the airport must already be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prior to application.
An Aviation Activity Notice Area is a designated overlay district that is meant to only notice land owners of existing activities within a maximum defined distance of 5,000 feet from a federally registered airport. The airport owner voluntarily requests the borough to create the overlay for their airport. The airport owner must fill out an application and follow a process before the notice area can exist.
The purpose of the AANA is to only notify land owners of existing airport activities.
You own property within 5,000’ from the existing airport. This is part of the public process and we are seeking your input before we go to the Assembly.