Public Notice > Avoid Third-Party Bill Pay Providers for Borough Payments

To make secure and direct payments to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, please use methods linked from the official MSB Payments Page at, where you can pay conveniently via ACH*, credit card**, by mail, dropbox, or in person.
Recently, third-party websites have been advertising Borough payment services in ways that are misleading. These services are not affiliated with the Borough and may employ deceptive practices by suggesting they are a valid way to pay your Borough bills. In reality, they add extra fees, omit essential payment details, cause delays, and increase the risk of errors.
To avoid unnecessary fees and processing delays, we recommend using only our official payment page. If you have questions about a payment provider, please call Collections at (907) 861-8610.
* ACH payments incur a $1 convenience fee.
**Most credit card payments include a 3% transaction fee.