
Finance provides fiscal support to Borough departments enabling them to service taxpayers, residents and visitors thorough the assessment and collection of taxes, processing financial transactions, maintaining reporting systems, preparing realistic budgets and ensuring compliance with Borough, State and Federal laws.
Our mission is to provide timely, accurate, clear and complete financial information, property assessment and support to other borough departments, citizens and the community at large utilizing best practices and ensuring compliance with Borough, State and Federal laws.
The Finance Department is comprised of 51 employees. The department is responsible for the assessment of properties, maintenance of records and associated levy and collection of taxes, preparation and implementation of the annual budget and other appropriations, central treasury, fixed assets, purchasing functions, and fiscal activities. The department interacts extensively with other divisions and departments as well as the general public and other agencies.
The Finance Department is responsible for the assessment, levy and collections of taxes. This affects not only the general fund but also the non-areawide fund, the cities and the various service areas. Finance is also responsible for the filing of the State Shared Revenue application, Safe Communities resolution and the annual request for debt service reimbursement on school construction general obligation bonds. The Finance Department prepares the billings for the numerous grants the borough receives. Again, this revenue affects several funds. Also allocated to numerous funds, including the general fund, is the earnings received on the investments of the central treasury.
Certain functions or services performed by the Finance Department are rendered on behalf of other departments and divisions in other funds. In order to cover these costs, there is an annual interfund transfer from the affected funds to the general fund. Additionally, certain services are provided for those external to the organization. In those cases, an administrative fee may be charged to recoup some of the costs.
Phone: (907) 861-8630
Phone: (907)861-8619
Phone: (907)861-8610
Phone: (907)861-8642
Phone: (907)861-8642
Phone: (907)861-8632
Phone: (907)861-8442
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (907)861-8503
Phone: (907)861-7822
Finance Forms
Title | Link |
Talkeetna Area 36 Sales Tax | |
Marijuana Sales Tax | |
Tobacco Excise Tax | |
Community Assistance Grant Application | |
LID Interest Form | |
MSB Third Party Property Claim Form | |
Business Inventory/Personal Property Form | |
2025 Tobacco License Application | |
Business Inventory Questionnaire | |
Bed Tax Registration Application | |
Bed Tax Return Form | |
Local Improvement District (formation & procedure) |

The Accounting Division records and accounts for all budget, expenditure and revenue transactions to the general ledger. All fund financial activity is recorded and monitored by accounting to ensure compliance with budgetary control, legislative actions and approvals of the appropriate operational budgets. The division is comprised of three main areas: payroll, accounts payable, and grant administration. The division coordinates the annual audit for preparation of the audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Assessment is a state mandated function performed by the borough. The division is responsible for maintaining accurate ownership records and value conclusions on over 77,000 properties within the borough. The Assessment Division also administers state mandated exemptions and Borough optional exemptions. As can be expected, a great amount of time is spent answering the inquiries of the public.
Phone: (907) 861-8642
Phone: (907)861-8610
Assessment Forms
Title | Link |
Senior Citizen/Disabled Veteran Exemption | |
Late File Appeal Form | |
PFD Eligibility Questionnaire | |
Address Change Form | |
Business Inventory/Personal Property Form | |
Acreage Adjustment Request Form | |
Non-Profit Property Tax Exemption | |
Taxpayer Fire Relief | |
myProperty Opt Out Form | |
Residence Verification | |
Disaster Relief Form |
Revenue and Budget

The Revenue and Budget Division consists of eleven employees. It is responsible for all billing and collection of taxes, solid waste fees, land sales/leases, registrations, business licenses, special assessments, and other miscellaneous receivables and fees that the borough assesses or charges. The division is responsible for compiling the annual budget. The division is also responsible for recording and accounting for all budget transactions to the general ledger. Additionally, included in this division is responsibility for the formation of Local Improvement Districts (LIDs). Also, the foreclosure of properties due to nonpayment of taxes and LIDs is a duty of this division as is the monitoring of those individuals or corporations in bankruptcy status. A large portion of time in this division is devoted to answering the inquiries of the public.
Phone: (907) 861-8503