Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Public Notices

Public Notices

10 Results

Avoid Third-Party Bill Pay Providers for Borough Payments

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Date: 11/13/24
Recently, third-party websites have been advertising Borough payment services in ways that are misleading.

Seasonal Closure of Borough Managed Rights-of-Way to Construction

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Date: 10/28/24
Starting at 5 p.m. on November 8, 2024, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough will close its rights-of-way and public use easements to normal construction activity within 10 feet of the road edge (gravel or pavement) until spring 2025.

Planned Wasilla Pool Closure

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Date: 01/06/25
Wasilla Pool will be closed for upgrades and repair for approximately 3 months beginning January 6, 2025.

MSB 17.30 - Conditional Use Permit for Earth Materials Extraction

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Date: 01/28/25
Central Gravel Products application for an Earth Material Extraction Conditional Use Permit

MSB001274 PN - Ag Rights Conversion

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Dates: 01/31/25 - 03/01/25
Land & Resource Management Division has received a request from Mark and Sandy Stahl to acquire the remaining interest in the land estate conveyed through an agriculture land sale under former Title 13 .

MSB008139 Big Lake Lions Club Rec Center

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Dates: 02/03/25 - 03/04/25
The Borough Assembly directed the Borough Manager to negotiate and enter into an agreement to acquire the Big Lake Lions Club Recreation Center (RS 24-114). The Big Lake Lions Club is ready to release the facility and asked the Borough to consider taking over the ownership and operations.

MSB 17.30 - Conditional Use Permit for Earth Material Extraction

Notice Type: Material Extraction Permit
Effective Date: 01/21/25
Paul Minnick, for Big Dipper Construction Inc, applied for a Conditional Use Permit to extract approximately 1,028,000 cubic yards of gravel over 10 years. The proposed extraction sites are located at 4120 E. Brenda Avenue (Tax ID#1341000T001) and 4101 E. Fairview Loop (Tax ID#1341000T002).

MSB 17.67 - Conditional Use Permit for Communications Tower

Notice Type: Permit
Effective Date: 01/17/25
Sierra Larson, for New Horizons Telecom, applied for a Conditional Use Permit under MSB 17.67—Tall Structures Including Telecommunications Facilities, Wind Energy Conversion Systems, and Other Tall Structures, to construct a 155-foot-tall lattice telecommunications tower at 4075 S. Lindsey Circle.

Conservation Easement Land Use Notice Reminder

Notice Type: Land Action
Effective Date: 11/01/24
The Great Land Trust (GLT) has authorized dog sledding/mushing on the groomed trails within the Fish Creek Conservation Area. Motorized vehicles are prohibited within the conservation easement, with the exception of authorized grooming equipment.

Road Closure / Restrictions - West Lakes Boulevard

Notice Type: Road Closure
Effective Date: 07/02/24
West Lakes Boulevard, from the intersection of Beaver Lake Road to approximately mile 1.7 will be restricted due to construction activities starting July 8, 2024.