Matanuska-Susitna Borough


The Matanuska-Susitna Borough has committed $13 million to support eligible Mat-Su based small businesses and nonprofits impacted by COVID-19. The information provided below presents answers to commonly asked questions on eligibility and how recipients will be chosen. Back to MSB CARES Grants

Thank you for your interest.

Mat-Su Borough CoVid-19 News & FAQ

This FAQ deals with the Mat-Su Borough's response to the current CoViD-19 response. Back to MSB CARES Grants 

Thank you for your interest.


Sales Tax

Sales Tax are a perennial issue for the Borough. Here are the documents for the current proposal to put a sales tax on this November ballot. Additionally for context we have listed press releases from when the issue has come up in the last ten years.

Sales Tax

Area Wide Sales Tax Revenue Analysis
Ordinance 19-092
Ordinance 19-093
IM 19-123
Sales Tax: Possible Amendment Nos. 1 and 2
Possible Amendment No. 3

Contract Opportunities

Bonfire Portal


Junk Car Removal Program

Contact Information

Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Purchasing Division
Phone: (907) 861-8601
Fax: (907) 861-8617
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 350 E. Dahlia Avenue Palmer, Alaska 99645

Welcome to the Mat-Su Borough Contract Opportunities Website. This website provides contracting and surplus buying opportunities currently available through the Purchasing Division of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.

The Purchasing Division is responsible for the centralized procurement of supplies, services, construction, professional services and surplus for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MSB). The mission of the Purchasing Division is to ensure that each Borough agency is supplied with the training, consulting, goods, construction, and services it needs quickly, efficiently, and economically. We cannot do this without the active participation and cooperation of the business community. We recognize that neither of us can be successful without the other. If you encounter problems with a solicitation document, contact us. We will do everything in our power to resolve the problem in the fairest possible manner. 

We welcome you as a vendor and are sure that you will find the Matanuska-Susitna Borough to be a good customer.

Open Contract Opportunities 

Closed Contract Opportunities

Need to check on a closed opportunity? They're available on the MSB Procurement Portal.

Closed Opportunities

To view open contract opportunities see below or click on MSB Procurement Portal hosted by Bonfire. For prospective bidders/proposers wanting to receive notification of contract opportunities, visit Bonfire to register & add your company to our vendor lists. There is no cost to vendors for registering with Bonfire.

Contract Opportunities are defined as:

  • Request for Quotes (RFQ)
  • Invitations to Bid (ITB)
  • Informal Request for Proposals (IRFP)
  • Requests for Proposals (RFP)

If a prospective bidder/proposer is not able to download & print these documents a nominal fee charged for documents picked-up from, or mailed by Purchasing. This fee may vary depending on the solicitation size.


Planning in the MSB

Planning Department

Are you looking for information on the Planning Department? Planning & Land Use Dept. Planning Division

Planning in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough is mandated by Alaska Statute Title 29. The tasks of the Planning Department include platting, code enforcement, long-range planning, current planning, permitting, flood management, and cultural resource related projects, to name just a few.

The Planning Division provides oversight of the development of long-range policy and planning documents that guide the borough’s decisions concerning land development and growth-related activities. The Division helps develop and maintain ordinances to implement the adopted policies and goals reflected in those documents. The Planning Division also provides review, research and recommendations, based on policy and ordinance provisions, for development-related requests to the Planning Commission and Assembly.

Interested in seeing more of what the Planning Department is up to?  Check out our Facebook page @ Planning Department Facebook Page


Plans facilitated through the planning division consist of a variety of plans addressing various borough and community needs and issues. The plans generally fall into one of the following categories:

State and Federal plans

Borough regional plans

Comprehensive plans

Specialty/functional plans

For example, State plans address how state lands are to be managed. Regional plans guide the development of the boroughs future infrastructure, such as the MSB Transportation Plan, the Public Facilities Plan, and the Parks, Rec and Open Space Plan. Comprehensive Plans identify community visions and goals, and contain recommendations on implementation (MSB Comprehensive Development Plan and community based comprehensive plans), and specialty/functional plans address things like the Solid Waste Management Plan, Hazard Mitigation, Stormwater Management, Lake Management Plans, Port MacKenzie Master Plan, etc.

Planning is a collaborative process. Our planners work with community stakeholders (property owners, residents, business owners, institutional representatives, development professionals, agency representatives, and elected officials) to create these plans. The planners facilitate a rigorous public process and once completed, the plans are amended if necessary and adopted by the assembly into Title 15 of the borough code, and they become a “chapter” of the borough’s overall comprehensive plan.


Planning Projects

Planning projects cover a variety of topics and, like plans, may require significant public outreach. Projects may consist of code amendments, Census information, community council boundary reviews, Subdivision Construction Manual rewrite, grant projects, transportation or historic preservation projects, etc. These projects can include a project steering committee or working group.


Documents & Studies

Planning studies are conducted dealing with topics such as environmental issues, transportation, police powers, and health concerns, to name a few. These studies help to identify potential problems and solutions that assist planners in the development of plans and guide actions toward addressing those concerns.