Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Public Notices

9 Results

Avoid Third-Party Bill Pay Providers for Borough Payments

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Date: 11/13/24
Recently, third-party websites have been advertising Borough payment services in ways that are misleading.

Planned Wasilla Pool Closure

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Date: 01/06/25
Wasilla Pool will be closed for upgrades and repair for approximately 3 months beginning January 6, 2025.

MSB008139 Big Lake Lions Club Rec Center

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Dates: 02/03/25 - 03/04/25
The Borough Assembly directed the Borough Manager to negotiate and enter into an agreement to acquire the Big Lake Lions Club Recreation Center (RS 24-114). The Big Lake Lions Club is ready to release the facility and asked the Borough to consider taking over the ownership and operations.

MSB001235 PN - Oleck Ag Conversion

Notice Type: Public Notice
Effective Dates: 02/21/25 - 03/28/25
Land & Resource Management Division has received a request from Tory and Cynthia Oleck, who currently hold title to the agricultural rights of the property, to acquire the development rights of the property.

MSB 17.30 - Conditional Use Permit for Earth Material Extraction

Notice Type: Material Extraction Permit
Effective Date: 01/21/25
Paul Minnick, for Big Dipper Construction Inc, applied for a Conditional Use Permit to extract approximately 1,028,000 cubic yards of gravel over 10 years. The proposed extraction sites are located at 4120 E. Brenda Avenue (Tax ID#1341000T001) and 4101 E. Fairview Loop (Tax ID#1341000T002).

MSB 17.67 - Conditional Use Permit for Communications Tower

Notice Type: Permit
Effective Date: 01/17/25
Sierra Larson, for New Horizons Telecom, applied for a Conditional Use Permit under MSB 17.67—Tall Structures Including Telecommunications Facilities, Wind Energy Conversion Systems, and Other Tall Structures, to construct a 155-foot-tall lattice telecommunications tower at 4075 S. Lindsey Circle.

Conservation Easement Land Use Notice Reminder

Notice Type: Land Action
Effective Date: 11/01/24
The Great Land Trust (GLT) has authorized dog sledding/mushing on the groomed trails within the Fish Creek Conservation Area. Motorized vehicles are prohibited within the conservation easement, with the exception of authorized grooming equipment.

Public Hearing Notice for Conditional Use Permit Application for a Marijuana Retail Facility

Notice Type: Permit
Effective Date: 02/24/25
Ryan McKay and Jana Weltzin applied for a Conditional Use Permit under MSB 17.60 – Conditional Uses, for the operation of a Marijuana Retail Facility known as Fort Green Alaska. The proposed location is 7821 W. Parks Highway, on Tax ID # 1818000L001.

Road Closure / Restrictions - West Lakes Boulevard

Notice Type: Road Closure
Effective Date: 07/02/24
West Lakes Boulevard, from the intersection of Beaver Lake Road to approximately mile 1.7 will be restricted due to construction activities starting July 8, 2024.