Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Sport Fields

The Borough maintains Ballfields and Soccer Fields at the Alcantra Sports Complex. 

Ball Fields

Register online

  1. Register with FinnlySport

    Create a Finnly Sport Account

  2. Fill out Activity Waiver

    The activity waiver is required for any Borough Activity, and only needed to be filled out once. It is good for any registration through FinnlySport through the end of the calendar year.

    Review and Sign Activity Waiver

  3. Choose Park & Pavilion that you wish to reserve.

  4. Reserve & pay for your pavilion online.

Soccer Fields


The Borough offers 11 pavilions across 7 parks, available daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. These pavilions provide a perfect setting for picnics, gatherings, or events. Reservation rates are $40.00 for a half day and $65.00 for a full day, making them an affordable option for your next outing.

Each pavilion features sturdy post-and-beam construction, blending functionality with rustic charm. Most pavilions can be reserved directly through the buttons below. Please note, reservations for the Mat River Park pavilion will be available via Campspot in early spring. Explore our options and secure your spot today!

How to Reserve a Pavilion

  1. Register with FinnlySport

    Create a Finnly Sport Account

  2. Fill out Activity Waiver

    The activity waiver is required for any Borough Activity, and only needed to be filled out once. It is good for any registration through FinnlySport through the end of the calendar year.

    Review and Sign Activity Waiver

  3. Choose Park & Pavilion that you wish to reserve.

  4. Reserve & pay for your pavilion online.

Available Pavilions

 Blog Post illustration

River Park

Matanuska River Park has five reservable pavilions.

Under Construction
 Blog Post illustration

Village Park

Reserve a Pavilion for a full, or half day.



In order to make your visit enjoyable, as well as to ensure the same experience for other park visitors, the following rules and regulations are in affect:

  • Pavilions are available for use between the hours of 10:00 am and 10:00 pm
  • Reserved pavilions have priority over other users
  • Pavilions without a reservation are available for use on a first come, first served basis
  • Pavilion reservation refund requests MUST be submitted in writing two weeks prior to date of reservation
  • Generators are NOT permitted
  • Maximum capacity for each pavilion is 60 people
  • Dogs must be on a leash at all times
  • NO alcohol is permitted within the park

Each group is responsible for clean up after use. This includes:

  • Clearing all trash and debris from tables and ground surrounding pavilion
  • All trash and debris must be in the proper trash receptacles

Failure to leave the area in a clean manner will result in additional fees (to be assessed for time spent cleaning) and possible denial of future use.

Law, Liberty and Legacy: A Historical Journey Display


Questions? Call Collections at (907)861-8610.
Donate Online (Credit Card or ACH): Donate Online
Mail (check only):
350 East Dahlia Ave.
Palmer Ak. 99645
In Person (Cash, Check, or Credit Card):
350 E.  Dahlia Ave. Palmer
Drop Boxes (check only):
DSJ Building (Main Borough Building)
350 E. Dahlia Ave., Palmer
Station 6-1
101 W Swanson, Wasilla, AK 99654
Station 6-5
680 N. Seward-Meridian Parkway, Wasilla, AK 99654

The Mat-Su Borough Assembly passed a resolution [RS 24-105] on October 1st for a display of historic documents in the Dorthy Swanda Jones Building. This initial legislation was the impetus to expand the concept to become a traveling display named Law, Liberty and Legacy: A Historical Journey. Community donations will support the creation of a cohesive exhibit of eight historic document designs with lighting. The eight documents that will be included in the traveling display in chronological order are:

  • The Code of Hammurabi
  • The Ten Commandments 
  • The Magna Carta
  • The Mayflower Compact
  • The United States' Declaration of Independence
  • The Constitution of the United States
  • The Bill of Rights
  • The Constitution of the State of Alaska

TSW Rules, Rates & Procedures Updates

Changes were recommended by Mat-Su Borough staff in conjunction with the State of Alaska Rural Utilities Business Advisors and supported by the Talkeetna Sewer & Water Advisory Board.



Key Dates

Changes adopted by Assembly – December 17th, 2024
Changes effective
– July 1st, 2025



New Rates

Residential Water base rate: $60.00

Tier 1: 3,001-7,500 will be $0.00/gallon
Tier 2: 7,501-12,000 will be $0.005/gallon
Tier 3: 12,001+ will be $0.02/gallon

Residential Sewer base rate: $60.00

Commercial Water base rate: $90.00

Tier 1: 3,001-7,500 will be $0.01/gallon
Tier 2: 7,501-12,000 will be $0.02/gallon
Tier 3: 12,001+ will be $0.03/gallon

Commercial Sewer base rate: $100.00

Interrupted Service rate: $35.00

*The first 3,000 gallons are included in base fees for both residential and commercial.



Summary of Rule Changes

Below is a summary of changes to the Operating Rules, Rates & Procedures for the Talkeetna Sewer & Water Service Area. To review the full document including added or changed fees and penalties, please click here.

The primary goal for the proposed changes to the Rules, Rates & Procedures is to combine the two documents into one user-friendly resource that is more representative of current Utility operations and Customer needs. Key changes to review include: 

  • New requirement of grease traps for commercial Customers to prevent significant fat, oil, and grease (FOG) from entering the sewer system. This includes new penalties for failure to install a grease trap and improper discharge. There will be a 1-year grace period for installation from July 1, 2025.
  • Elimination of the $385.00 Application for Utility Service fee. New Customers will not be required to submit a fee or deposit to receive services. 
  • Updated definition of Interrupted Service to include all properties connected to the Service Area regardless of receiving services. Addition of a Seasonal Turn On/Off Service Request fee for Customers that request services to be temporarily turned off.
  • Addition of a Disconnect Penalty if operators must physically terminate service by either shutting the Customer key box or plugging the Customer cleanout due to failure to pay or other negligence.
  • Elimination or combining of unused or frequently used fees. This focuses on combining the Service Request tasks such as meter checks and key box locates. Service Request fees have also changed to include summer and winter prices.



Borough Boards

Agriculture Advisory BoardDetailMembership
Animal Care and Regulation BoardDetailMembership
Board of Adjustment and AppealsDetailMembership
Board of EqualizationDetailMembership
Board of EthicsDetailMembership
Borough Area Schools Site Selection CommitteeDetailMembership
Commission on Salaries and EmolumentsDetailMembership
Enhanced 911 Advisory BoardDetailMembership
Health and Social Services BoardDetailMembership
Historical Preservation CommissionDetailMembership
Joint Assembly/School Board Committee on School IssuesDetailMembership
Labor Relations BoardDetailMembership
Library BoardDetailMembership
Library Citizens' Advisory CommitteeDetailMembership
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)DetailMembership
Local Road Service Area Advisory BoardDetailMembership
MSB Fish and Wildlife CommissionDetailMembership
Office of Administrative HearingsDetailMembership
Parks, Recreation & Trails Advisory BoardDetailMembership
Planning CommissionDetailMembership
Platting BoardDetailMembership
Port CommissionDetailMembership
School BoardDetailMembership
Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)DetailMembership
Water and Wastewater Advisory Board (WWAB)DetailMembership
Waterbody Setback Advisory BoardDetailMembership